dimanche 24 mars 2024


The Nudity of Jesus on the Cross


Jesus' nudity began in a manger.

Without comfort or fuss.

Like a consuming fire,

He denounces the hypocrites who honor His Father

With lips but no heart.


Jesus went from town to town and

Having nowhere to lay his head.

Wherever he went, he did good.

His food was to do his Father's Will.

His Word, the Word made flesh,

Overturned the customs of his time.

He came to fulfill the Law of Moses

To make human beings divine.


Jesus, God and Man, is the One who brings Life.

Life in abundance.

In the face of resistance from the forces of darkness,

He freely chose the way of the cross.


The cross humanizes us.

We share deeply Jesus’ suffering from

His agony, his scourging,

His crowning with thorns,

The carrying of his cross,

His crucifixion and death.


The cross divinizes us.

From the height of the cross, the Son of God is naked.

Jesus’ clothes are taken away.

From his nakedness, he has clothed everyone with

His humanity and glory.


The cross makes us luminous.

If we die with Christ Jesus,

We rise with Him.

Christ leads us into the dance of

Hope and brotherhood.


The cross gives us life.

It is the victory of Love.

YES! Love makes us stronger and more joyful.

With Christ we walk towards the light

To live as risen souls, with Him by our side.


The cross roots us in charity.

It becomes the anchor of our lives,

Our only hope.

Jesus, I love you. I adore you.

Thank you, Jesus, for going to the very end of Love. 

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