The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
The Word was God and in Him was life.
Life was the light of all mankind
But darkness has not overcome it. Jn1, 1-5
... But how then are your eyes opened?
Our God is PRESENT in the heart of the
A Son is given to us:
Emmanuel, God with us.
The grace of God has appeared in the world
To wrap Him his infinite love.
Wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger
God is covered with humility and love
In order to transform mankind by the way
He loves, looks at each other and listening
to one another.
How beautiful is the messenger of Peace,
The Prince of Peace, Light of the World.
The event which the Lord has made known to
Transform our lives and our world.
He made us his people and calls us to do
Good deeds in communion with his creation.
The Presence of the Lord is source of joy
Peace to all who has known Him.
He calls us to wear his light and his
order to touch the heart of all
We are in the grip of his Word
That gives life to all things.
As long as we are in the world
We must work for peace and harmony of
We are like Him, the light of the world.
Come on, all together united in the same
Proclaim with all creation:
Glory to God in the highest, and
Peace on earth to those whom He loves.
In this Christmas season and New Year
May the Lord dwell in our world and quench
and joy our thirst to be loved.
May He fills our existential void and
Propels us towards those who are thirsty for
and love.