lundi 5 septembre 2011


Your love is better than life

Ps 63

O God, you are my God!

I want to praise you

All my life.

O God, you are my God!

I see you everywhere and

In everything.

I Thank you for looking at me

with love. A look of tenderness

Who gives me confidence when

you say:

"You are so precious to me and

I love you." (Is 43,4)


O God, you are my God!

I thank you for your words

In the Bible. Whisper to my ear

Lord, I'm listening.

Your life-giving word

Frees me from bondage.


O God, you are my God!

I thank you for your

Satisfying feast.

Yes, I "taste and see

The goodness of the Lord." (Ps 34,8)

I am enjoying Lord

The beauty of nature and

Your words that give me life.


O God, you are my God!

I thank you "to have engraved (Is 49,16)

Me on the palms of your hands",

Sign of your great love.

I want to praise you Lord

Through my hands who will

Take care of those

Who cross my path.

I want to show your goodness

And your love vith a touch

Of tenderness.


O God, you are my God!

All nature tells me about you.

I thank you for my sense of smell

That give me a sense of peace

And freshness of morning dew.

I breathe the pleasant smell of

Your Divine Presence in all

Its glory and magnificence beauty

From morning to evening

Before falling asleep

In the sweetness of your arms.


O God, you are my God!

Your love is better than life.

I sing and I dance

With my hands and my body

To praise you and give thanks

For the wonders

you have done in me.


O God, you are my God!

I want to praise you all my life.

"Yes Father, I thank you (Ps 138/139)

For the wonder that I am!"

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