John 4, 1-29
Jesus was tired when He sat at the well.
He asked for water to the Samaritan woman,
He, who was a Jew.
The encounter started with a simple question:
“Will you give me a drink?”
What a freedom in that simple question.
The power to open up to Jesus is the woman’s choice.
There is no threat in the
Jesus just wants to communicate.
Isn’t it a way to break barriers among people?
No water was given, neither was draw.
Stuck in her head with customs and laws
She cannot be life giving to strangers.
Making decision is hard for her.
No judgment is made. No critics.
Jesus revealed himself to the woman:
If you knew the gift of God and who asks for a drink
You would have asked him and he would have given you
living water.
State of confusion, she didn’t understand what
Jesus was trying to say until He revealed her the truth to herself.
What a revelation!
He knew who she was and still
He asked her for a drink. Who is that man?
Her eyes were opened:
I can see that you are a prophet.
I know the Messiah is coming…
Jesus declared: I, the one
speaking to you – I am He.
Leaving her empty jar at the foot of Jesus
She ran across the city to spread
The good news to his brothers and sisters:
Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did.
Could this be the Messiah?
Are we still get stuck in our head with our
Own customs and internal and external laws?
Do we feel that we can’t be life giving to our brothers and sisters?
Do we feel that we still get stuck when we have to choose life
Over people who view the world
Do we feel we get us stuck living in the past?
Do we feel we are a different creature in the Universe?
Do we feel we don’t belong to the Universe?
Do we feel we are not walking on a sacred ground?
Who will reveal us to ourselves?
Who is this stranger who will reveal us the face of Christ?
Who should we sit down with to have life to the full?
If each of us dared to open up to this stranger ... my brother.
Around the well, someone is waiting for us.
Have we seen him? Did we hear his call?
He calls us to come to draw love in his heart.
He wants to meet us at another level, at the heart level.
He invites us to make room for love in our lives.
He wants to make us true worshipers.
Would it not be the Christ?
The time is come to listen deeply in our heart
The call of God in His son’s Jesus:
Come to the well, sat with me and receive the gift of God.
Let me give you living water that
releases you from bondage.
Let me give you living water so you can be life giving to others.
Let me reveal me to yourself and to reveal you the truth about you.
Let’s the grace of God shine upon you
So you can convey love, peace and joy.
All who thirst for love, come to me as you are and
You will receive the grace of my Father to worship Him.
Worship Him in all of His
creation, seen and unseen.
God is spirit and if you know my Father, our Father you will
Worship Him in the Spirit and in
Like the woman at Jacob's well
Let Jesus come to dwel in our heart.
Drop our empty jars at His feet and
Let Him fills us with living water, love,
Caring and liberating words and an inner joy
That no one can take away.
Let the grace of God help us to go beyond appearances,
Beyond of what we’ve seen and heard so we can
Honor the divine in everyone.
Let us be a living Well to others who are thirsty.
Deep down in their heart
They want to taste God’s love in you.
God is spirit and only Him can give us the love that
We seek, the freedom we long for, the justice
We look for and the peace of mind that we strive for.
If we let Jesus shine in us we can be a blessing to everyone
Who welcome us in the name of Christ.
By the grace of Jesus Christ
Let us reveal to the world Love, joy and
Peace in the Spirit and in truth.