dimanche 8 septembre 2024

Effata! Ouvre-toi

Effata! Ouvre-toi!

Effata! Ouvre-toi!

C’est le temps Messianique.

Jésus passe au milieu de nous.

Ouvre ton cœur à l’Esprit de Vérité.

Jésus est le chemin, la vérité et la vie.


Effata! Ouvre-toi!

Ouvre-toi à la Vie.

Ouvre-toi à la Parole de Vie.

Tu es le sel et la lumière du monde.

Imite Jésus, le Christ, ton rédempteur.


Effata! Ouvre-toi!

Ouvre-toi à l’Amour.

Ouvre-toi à la tendresse.

Ouvre-toi à la compassion.

Ouvre-toi au Pardon.

Ouvre-toi à l’Union.

Ouvre-toi à la Vérité.

Ouvre-toi à la Foi.

Ouvre-toi à l’Espérance.

Ouvre-toi à la Lumière.

Ouvre-toi à la Paix.

Ouvre-toi à la joie.

Ouvre-toi à la Prière.

Au Nom du Père, du Fils et du Saint-Esprit.


Effata! Be Opened

Effata! Be Opened!


Effata! Be Opened!

It's Messianic time.

Jesus is passing among us.

Open your heart to the Spirit of Truth.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.


Effata! Be opened!

Open yourself to Life.

Open yourself to the World of Life.

You are the salt and light of the world.

Imitate Jesus, the Christ, your Redeemer.


Effata! Be opened!

Open yourself to Love.

Open yourself to tenderness.

Open yourself to compassion.

Open yourself to Forgiveness.

Open yourself to Union.

Open yourself to Truth.

Open yourself to Faith.

Open yourself to Hope.

Open yourself to Light.

Open yourself to Peace.

Open yourself to Joy.

Open yourself to Prayer.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


samedi 8 juin 2024

Immaculate Heart of Mary

 Immaculate Heart of Mary

Mary, Woman of Yes,

Woman of silence,

Woman of love and mercy,

Woman Co-redeemer of Christ Jesus.


Mary, God has set you apart

To bear Jesus in your womb.

The symbiotic period between you and Jesus

Was salvific for the world.

From the moment of conception,

Jesus is bathed in your water and blood.

Your breath becomes his breath,

Your heart became his heart.

Your love formed and nourished him

In your womb.


Mary, at the birth of Jesus,

The warmth of your body made him secure.

Jesus grew in trust and love.

Your loving gaze on your son Jesus

Shape his view of the world.


Mary, you carried Jesus, fully human and God

In your womb.

Through Jesus, you were sanctified.

Your sacred heart is in symbiosis

With the sacred heart of your Son Jesus.

Through you, Mary, in your Son Jesus,

Humankind has seen God Walk

On earth and on water.


Mary, help us to say Yes to the Lord.

Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Through your Son Jesus,

Give Peace to our world.

Cœur Immaculé de Marie

Cœur Immaculé de Marie

 Marie, Femme du Oui,

Femme du silence,

Femme façonnée par la Parole de Dieu,

Femme d’amour et de miséricorde,

Femme Corédemptrice du Christ Jésus.


Marie, Dieu t’a mise à part

Pour porter Jésus en ton sein.

La période symbiotique entre toi et Jésus

A été salvatrice pour le monde.

Dès le moment de la conception,

Jésus est baigné dans ton eau et ton sang.

Ton souffle devient son souffle.

Ton cœur est devenu le sien.

Ton amour l’a formé et nourri dans ton sein.


Marie, à la naissance de Jésus,

La chaleur de ton corps l’a rassuré.

Jésus a grandi en confiance et dans l’amour.

Ton regard aimant sur ton fils Jésus

A façonné sa vision du monde.


Marie, tu as porté l’Homme-Dieu en ton sein.

Par Jésus, tu as été sanctifiée.

Ton sacré-cœur est en symbiose

 Avec le sacré-cœur de ton fils Jésus.

Par toi Marie, en ton Fils Jésus,

L’humanité a vu Dieu marcher

Sur la terre et sur l’eau.


Marie aide-nous à dire Oui au Seigneur.

Cœur immaculé de Marie,

Par ton Fils Jésus,

Donne la Paix à notre monde.

vendredi 7 juin 2024

Sacred Heart of Jesus

 Sacred Heart of Jesus

I adore you and I love you.

Blaze my heart with the fire of your love.

Like the sun

You wrap me in your tenderness.

You soften my gaze and pacifies my traditions.


Sacred Heart of Jesus

Your heart beats to the rhythm of Love.

May each heartbeat unite me

To the beating of your heart.


Sacred Heart of Jesus

Your divine breath irrigates my heart.

Keep me in your love and humility.

May your rays of light illuminate my thoughts.

May your blood and living water transform

My desires and actions into acts of kindness.


Sacred Heart of Jesus

In you I trust.

Yes, I believe you are alive at

The heart of our world’s big bang.

Pour out your mercy on our five continents

Praise and glory to you,

My Lord and my God.


Sacré-cœur de Jésus

Cœur sacré de Jésus

Je t’adore et je t’aime.

Embrase mon cœur du feu de ton amour.

Comme un soleil,

Tu m’enveloppes de ta tendresse.

Tu adoucis mon regard et pacifies mes traditions.


Cœur sacré de Jésus

Ton cœur bat au rythme de l’Amour.

Que chaque battement de cœur m’unisse

Aux battements de ton cœur.


Cœur sacré de Jésus

Ton souffle divin irrigue mon cœur.

Garde-moi dans ton amour et dans l’humilité.

Que tes rayons de lumière illuminent mes pensées.

Que ton sang et ton eau vive transforment

Mes désirs et mes gestes en acte de bonté.


Cœur sacré de Jésus

J’ai confiance en toi.

Oui, je crois que tu es bien Vivant

Au cœur du big bang de notre monde.

Déverse ta miséricorde sur nos cinq continents.

Louange et gloire à toi mon Seigneur et mon Dieu.



samedi 25 mai 2024



The Light of our Hope

The Light of our Hope comes from heaven.

The Star in the sky is our Hope.

The Magi saw a star shining in the sky.

The Spirit of the God of creation animates them.

They set out to follow the Star.

A glance at the sky,

A walk in the dark,

A Hope…


From the East to Jerusalem,

Hope in their hearts,

They walk towards the unknown.

They seek God without knowing it.

Suddenly, the Star stops in Bethlehem.

Great joy overtakes them.

A home, a mother,

A Newborn gave meaning to their quest.

The ritual of their adoration,

Gold, frankincense, myrrh, reflected an

Inner knowledge of the identity of the

Child-God, the indefinable, the unnameable.


The Star of Bethlehem

It’s the Hope of a new humanity.

In Jesus, savior of the world,

The human being kneels, lowers himself before

The supreme being, the greater than self.

 God’s humility meets mankind in his vulnerability.


The Star of Bethlehem

It’s the Spirit of the Creator of the Universe

In communion with mankind.

This Child-God in the manger, give us the

Grace to contemplate God’s love and his humility.

The Star of Bethlehem gives us the grace of humility to

Recognize a greater than ourselves in our littleness.

It helps us surrender ourselves into the hands of the Creator.

This contemplative gaze disarms us,

Fills us with love, joy, and peace.


The Light of our Hope comes from heaven.

The Light of Easter is our Hope.

Like a sun of fire,

The resurrection of Christ Jesus,

Brings us into the joy of Easter.

The Scriptures burn our hearts and

The Spirit of the Risen Christ

Give us the grace of Faith, the Light of Faith.

It makes us cry out to the world:

Jesus is Alive!

He is truly Risen!


The Light of our Hope comes from heaven.

The Light of Pentecost is our Hope.

Like tongues of fire,

The Light of Pentecost sets our hearts ablaze.

The Spirit of Pentecost recreates us in the image of Christ.

Like Jesus Christ

We make all things new.

He gives us the strength to bear witness to

The love of the Father and the Son.

The Spirit of Pentecost unifies us in the Holy Trinity.

He gives us the grace to be ONE with the cosmos.

The Spirit of Pentecost give us a new freedom,

A fresh perspective on life.

It’s an inner grace that opens us to charity and

Invites us to take the path of brotherhood.

Brothers and sisters from all over the world,

Brothers and sisters in Christ

Let us rejoice and humbly share the Light of our Hope.

Let’s work together to bring about a kingdom of

 Love, justice, and peace on earth.